Adaptive music & Laser beams - 0.7

What is adaptive music?

If you go to the cinema, every movie you watch has a soundtrack. It's written in such a way that it matches the action. How to do that in videogames? Every player has their own pacing so writing a cool soundtrack that matches everything the player does is very hard!

Solution - adaptive music


Take a look at Portal 2 for example. Most of the time the movie soundtrack is something that isn't heard by the heroes and it's there for the audience. This is called non diegetic sound. But let's take a closer look at Portal 2 - it has a diegetic soundtrack with every object having it's own "theme" / motif.

My take?

In this update I added lasers and expanded the soundtrack. There are 2 versions now. Whenever you walk in a trigger, the music progresses. Opening doors and moving platforms also have their own theme that matches the music. So as you complete the puzzle, the music progresses and you hear the sounds that the objects create, matching the pacing and the beat of the score. This is true for the cube and the lasers.


Making a cool mechanic with lasers would mean a way of moving them and a way to obscure them. Why not use them as timers for puzzles or as a creative way to spice up the soundtrack?

Files 23 MB
Jul 27, 2022

Get Rolling Time

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